Welcome to our school website!
Avonmore Elementary School is a rural school of 380 students nestled in the heart of North Stormont County. Although the school is situated in the town of Avonmore, many of the students are bussed to school from neighbouring towns. In 2022, the current school building, previously named Roxmore Public School, welcomed students from North Stormont Public School to become a unified school.
Our school serves children from Junior Kindergarten to grade six.
Our school hosts the Happy Face Child Care Centre which offers daycare and a Before & After School program.
Our Kindergarten classes are composed of four and five year-old students who attend The Full-Day Early Learning – Kindergarten Program. They enjoy a separate beautiful yard adjacent to the school. The various pieces of playground equipment, free of interruption from others, are available to them when their teachers take them outdoors.
Upon entering grade one, students in the Regular Program receive French instruction for 40 minutes per day and students in the Immersion program receive 150 minutes of French instruction per day. The subjects taught in the Immersion program are Reading, Writing, Social Studies, the Arts, and Health and Physical Education.
Programming in the Primary and Junior Division is focused on literacy and mathematics. The teachers are committed to focused literacy and math blocks to enrich the children's language and numeracy skills. The teachers are dedicated to working together and plan integrated units and culminating events throughout the year.
We have Special Education Teachers (SETs) who support our classroom teachers with programming for our students with special needs. They also work with students in the classrooms and in small groups. We have the services of four full-time Educational Assistants. They work in our classrooms, supporting students in various ways.
Our teachers have access to a number of portable carts which host laptops, and every classroom has a Smart TV or Smart Board to support their instruction and student learning.
Communication with our families is an important aspect of our children's time with us. Our parents and guardians receive phone calls, positive notes, agenda messages, and are invited to curriculum nights and family events throughout the year. They receive an interim report card as well as two regular report cards issued in February and June.
Families are also encouraged to volunteer in their child's class and attend our concerts, plays and the celebrations that take place. A calendar/newsletter is sent home at the beginning of the month.
Students at Avonmore Elementary School are involved in sports programs and participate in a number of interscholastic tournaments. Our students are involved in a variety of Real-World Learning Activities to bring the curriculum to life and forge connections with our communities.
Our families demonstrate their commitment to student learning through our School Council, fundraising efforts, and time given by various volunteers.
We are a school that takes pride in our community, and especially in our students and staff. The values that we try to instill in our students reflect the UCDSB approach of “Character Always” and our staff take that role very seriously. While providing engaging learning environments, we try to prepare all of our students for a successful life.